

Maritec可依据ASTM D7845提供Basic Chemical Species Analysis服务

Newsletter on 20 Aug,2021


通过GCMS(气相色谱质谱联用仪)对燃油进行GCMS Headspace screening化学物筛查是实验室的经典检测方案,可以进一步了解燃油中是否含有对船舶设备有害的化学物质。在和Maritec签订燃油检测协议的客户中,也有数百艘船舶选购了该种检测来进行燃油化学物筛查。

而从2021年8月20日起,Maritec将把化学物筛查的测试方法从原有的GCMS Headspace改为ASTM D7845 GCMS。ASTM D7845 GCMS是一种用于检测船用燃油化学物定量分析的国际测试标准,广为燃油公司,船东互保协会和港口国当局认可。

现在Maritec可提供依据ASTMD7845的Maritec basic chemical species analysis服务,助力守护船舶燃油安全。

这一举措将进一步提高化学物测试的含金量,因为这是唯一参照国际标准和ISO8217/PAS开发的GCMS技术,对加油索赔非常有效。 此外,针对加油质量问题,Maritec还有资质可以提供法定检验。

对GCMS ASTM D7845的简介如下:

ASTM D7845 GCMS是一种液体直接注入的GCMS技术。将一小部分油样用溶剂稀释,再将样品溶液注入GCMS中进行化验分析。ASTM D7845技术标准能够对挥发性到半挥发性化合物进行定量,如氯化溶剂、双键微反应碳氢化合物(C=C)、酚类化合物和脂肪酸甲酯(FAMEs)。

对于采用ASTM D7845标准的样品,在备样阶段的损耗会降至最小化。只有挥发性成分会被转移到GCMS进行化验。然而,ASTM D7845技术不能检测出极性、高沸点化合物,如脂肪酸、松香酸、烷基间苯二酚醇、双苯酚醇等。极性和高沸点化合物可以通过Maritec GCMS(SPE)固相提取技术进行检测。

Table 1: Basic Chemical Species Analysis by ASTM D7845 GCMS

No Volatile Organic Compounds CAS No. Compound Group Significance of Analysis
1 Dichloromethane 75-09-2 Chlorinated Organic Compound (non-hydrocarbon) Indication for the presence of residual chlorinated degreasing/cleaning solvents in bunker fuel, usually associated with fuel injection pump problems
2 1,2-dichloroethane 107-06-2
3 Tetrachloroethylene 127-18-4
4 Phenol 108-95-2 Phenolic Compound (non-hydrocarbon) Indication for the presence of other phenolic compounds and alkylresorcinols (components of Estonian shale oil) in bunker fuel, usually associated with purifier sludging and filter clogging problems
5 Styrene 100-42-5 Hydrocarbon Compound Indication for the presence of residue components of steam cracking in bunker fuel, at high concentration, usually associated with purifier sludging and filter clogging problems
6 Dicyclopentadiene 77-73-6
7 Dihydro-dicyclopentadiene 4488-57-7
8 Indene 95-13-6
9 Butanol 71-36-3 Alcohol (non-hydrocarbon) Indication for the presence of tall oil in bunker fuel, usually associated with fuel injection pump problems, if fatty acids and rosin acids are further detected by SPE GCMS
10 Alpha-pinene 80-56-8 Hydrocarbon Compound

下方图1A和图1B列出了Maritec 采用ASTM D7845测试数据库的实例。其中检测到phenol, indene, dicyclopentadiene, styrene, dihydro-dicyclopentadiene, tetrachloroethylene, 1,2-dichloroethane and dichloromethane (or methylene chloride) 等化学物质以及这些化学物在船上引发的故障实例。

Figure 1A
Figure 1B





More information on Maritec’s accredited GCMS analysis technique used to detect chemical species in bunker fuels and their associated problems on machinery can be found in the Newsletter published earlier by Maritec.


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