

Free Webinar: 

Out of Commission: How to respond to a negative BWMS Commissioning Test

The amendments to regulation E-1 of the BWM Convention adopted by MECP 74 require biological efficacy testing when commissioning a BWTS on board a vessel. This amendment will come into effect on 1 June 2022. The test is conducted onboard, and commissioning testing is successful if the indicative analysis indicates that the discharge samples do not exceed the D-2 standard for the size classes analysed and the self-monitoring equipment indicates correct operation. But what happens if the commissioning test is unsuccessful? In this webinar, we explore the many issues that are surfacing around commissioning testing.

  • Verification protocol of Compliance Monitoring Devices (CMD): what is and isn’t there
  • Is there a CMD that meets all requirements?
  • If a commissioning test fails, what happens next?
  • Will there be enough commissioning testers?
  • How many reports are in the EBP database?
  • Should the EBP be extended?

Panellists include:

To register for this free webinar: Out of commission: how to respond to a negative BWMS commissioning test (


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