

President Letter to clients:Season's greetings and update of Maritec & CTI Marine

Dear valued clients,

From everyone at Maritec, we would like to say thank you for your continued loyalty and faith in us. We wish you all the joys of the season and happiness throughout the coming year.

It has been a very challenging 2020 for all of us. After Centre Testing International (CTI) acquired Maritec in June 2020, we managed to integrate Maritec’s fuel and lubricant services with CTI’s marine environmental services seamlessly in a few months. With your supports and cooperation, we delivered fuel quality services to more than 3,600 vessels and Inventory of Hazardous Material (IHM) services to more than 2,012 vessels in 2020. And we are so grateful to have customers like you in the pandemic year.

Coming to 2021, we understand the fuel quality and environmental challenges for shipping industry are getting ever more complicated with a lot of uncertainties, and please allow us to share Maritec’s strategies and action plans for 2021 to demonstrate our commitments and pledges to customer:

  • Maritec will operate a full scale fuel and lubricant testing laboratory in Shanghai, China from March 2021 to support your operation in Chinese ports effectively and efficiently. 
  • Based on the state of arts data analytics and R&D, Maritec will examine every basic compliance fuel test report diligently to identify/recommend tailor-made advanced tests for the tested sample (if any) to prevent operational incidents from early 2021. 
  • Leverage on the strength of CTI, Maritec will develop test programs for alternative fuels actively before you start the journey for fuel flexibility. Whether you use fossil fuels, bio fuels, electro fuels or blue fuels, Maritec will be your partner for fuel quality services.
  • Maritec will offer full scale ballast water, potable water, sewage water and scrubber water testing from five major ports in China and Singapore in early 2021.
  • Other than fuel services, water services, IHM services, responsible ship recycling services, and asbestos abatement services, Maritec will enhance our capabilities continuously to cover customer’s needs to comply with the emerging requirements imposed by IMO environmental rules and regulations.

We will of course continue to keep you informed of any new developments and, as always, welcome your feedback. In the meantime, please do have a safe, healthy and peaceful holiday and a prosperous year ahead.


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