

Maritec-NAIAS presents Technical Seminar on Chemical Contamination Issues in Marine Fuels

As on 19 February 2025

It was our pleasure to partner with Aderco to conduct a technical seminar on ‘Chemical Contamination Issues in Marine Fuels’ for the team in Chennai, India on 14th February 2025.

Our Maritec-NAIAS expert set the stage by commencing with a look back at the history of key incidents of chemical waste contamination in the bunkering industry from the past ten years. Alongside this, vital insights on the main reasons behind the issues faced and the inevitable risks involved were dwelled into.

Moving to present day scenarios, as we observe the growing adoption of Biofuels (in efforts to meet the IMO strategy towards greater sustainability), our experts addressed the critical questions of contamination risks involved in the use of Biofuel (both FAME based, and non-FAME based) in the shipping industry. To understand the unique risks associated with Biofuels, detailed explanations were presented on their specific chemical behaviours and characteristics, namely ‘Stability’, which are directly linked to their composition.

Our team went on to share expert guidance on the optimal pre-emptive testing needed to mitigate the prevalent risks associated with bunker contamination from conventional fuel and Biofuels. Furthermore, direction was provided on bunker negotiations and claim processes, all in aid of stronger and smarter marine fuel management.

We thank Aderco for this knowledge sharing opportunity - one of immense importance in ensuring optimal marine fuel management for today and the future.





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